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Traditional Songs And Fiddle Tunes From The Toe River Valley
The Toe River Valley of western North Carolina has a rich heritage of traditional southern Appalachian music, yet it is little known to the wider world. Bruce Greene lives on the South Toe River in Yancey County, where he has been preserving and playing the music of friends and neighbors for nearly forty years. Here he sings and plays twenty-four songs and tunes he learned from elder musicians throughout the region, most of whom were born in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
1. Phoebe in Her Petticoat
2. Old Sally Goodin
3. Noah and the Ark
4. Throw 'Round Your Calico
5. A Story Most Lonely I'll Tell
6. I'm A'Going Back South
7. Froggie Went A'Courting
8. Snowbird in the Ashbank
9. The Orphaunt Girl
10. Shepherd Go Find Your Sheep
11. Bear Me Away
12. The Preacher's Unknown Tune
13. The Sweet Soldier Boy
14. Margaret Randolph Waltz
15. The Death of Edward Lewis
16. Sheep's in the Meadow and the Cow's in the Corn
17. Two Coats
18. Newt’s Dream
19. The Old Yellow Mare
20. Walking in the Parlor
21. In Seaport Town
22. Jonesboro
23. Fond True Lover
24. Old Black Cat Couldn't Catch a Rat
Please order by check, $15 each
mailed to
Bruce Greene
7036 State Hwy 80 South
Burnsville, NC 28714